
Study requested by the AGRI Committee of the European Parliament, National Research Institute for Agriculture, National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (INRAE) and The Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI), "The next reform of the CAP: The variables in the equation", December 2024

Video of Olivier De Schutter, former Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, United Nations (in French with subtitles in English), (February 2022)

Video of Louise Vandelac, Professor at UQAM, the Université du Québec à Montréal (in French) (February 2022)

Article de Clémentine Baldon et Nikos Braoudakis, Imported Products, Pesticides, and the Environment: The Compatibility of ‘Mirror Measures’ with WTO Rules, in Global Trade and Customs Journal, Volume 16, Issue 9 (2021), pp. 459 – 466, (June 2021)

Report by the group of experts appointed by the French Government on the draft trade agreement between the EU and Mercosur and chaired by Stefan Ambec (September 2020)

Interview with Sophie Devienne, Professor of Comparative Agriculture and Agricultural Development at AgroParisTech, on France Culture (in French), (October 2019)

Report “L’impact de l’Accord Économique et Commercial Global entre l’Union européenne et le Canada (AECG/CETA) sur l’environnement, le climat et la santé”, by the expert group mandated by the French Government and chaired by Katheline Schubert (September 2017)


Joint report, CNCD 11.11.11, Feedback EU, FNH, Humundi, Veblen Institute, SEO Birdlife, Slow Food, Slow Food Germany, Slow Food Italy, "Double standards in our plates. Using Mirror Measure to mitigate the impacts of EU trade policy, for a sustainable food system", November 2024

Report, SEO/BirdLife and WWF Spain, "Report on the relevance of mirror measures in Spain" (In Spanish and English), November 2024

Report, FeedbackEU, "Trading away the Future, how the EU's agri-trade policy is at odds with sustainability goals", (executive summary in English), Novembre 2024

Note, Veblen Institute, "When Will the Import of Meat from Animals Treated with Antibiotic Growth Promoters End?", June 2024

Report, Slow Food Italy, Environment, economy, rights: mirror measures are needed for EU agri-food imports. In-depth study of three sectors (in Italian), May 2024

Policy paper, Slow Food Deutschland, Equal Standards for All Food: Plea for an EU Regulation with Mirror Measures for Imported Products from Third Countries, April 2024 and video

Joint report, Veblen Institute, FNH and Interbev, Why is it urgent to implement mirror measures? (in French), February 2024

Policy Note, CNCD 11.11.11, European Green Deal: Mirror measures for agricultural transition (in French), February 2024

Note, Veblen Institute, Mirror measures: key tools for implementing the European Green Deal, October 2023

Policy Note, Eurogroup for animals, “Stop cruel imports! Applying EU animal welfare standards to all products placed on the EU market”, September 2023

Joint report by the Veblen Institute, the FNH and the European Environmental Bureau, "Neonicotinoid pesticides: how can European mirror measures be made more ambitious ?", June 2023

Analysis by Entraide et Fraternité, “Plus de conditions pour importer en Europe” (in French), June 2022

Joint report by the Veblen Institute, FNH and Interbev, “Globalisation: How can we stop the import of food produced using banned practices in Europe? A regulation to stop the import of food from practices banned in Europe: mirror measures in agriculture”, March 2021

Agricultural sectors

Study by AGPM, Maize Europe, EU-Mercosur Agreement: Impacts and proposals for the maize sector, for a more coherent European Union and better protected farmers (in French), January 2024

Conference organised by Interbev, FNH and Veblen Institute, European Elections 2024: European Trade Policy vs. Green Deal (in French), October 2023

Conference organised by Interbev, “Livestock, Meat and Green Deal : What vision for the EU ?”, in Brussels, February 2023

Conference organised by Interbev, the FNH and the Institut Veblen as part of the French Presidency of the EU in the first half of 2022, "Encouraging Sustainable Food: Towards a Strengthening of External Trade Rules for a Consistent European Approach", February 2022

Visit with MEPs to a farm on the subject of mirror measures (in French), July 2021

Joint report by the Veblen Institute, FNH and Interbev, “Globalisation: How can we stop the import of food produced using banned practices in Europe? A regulation to stop the import of food from practices banned in Europe: mirror measures in agriculture”, March 2021

Testimony of a farmer on mirror measures (in French), March 2021

Consumer associations

BEUC recommendations to better align EU trade policy with the Green Deal, February 2024

Video of the President of UFC que choisir (in French), October 2023

Video of Monique Goyens, BEUC, The European Consumers' Organisation (in French), March 2022

Workers' unions

The proposals of the "Pacte du Pouvoir de Vivre" for the 2024 European elections (see Axis 1) (in French), March 2024

Video of Laurent Berger, former President of the European Trade Union Confederation (in French), March 2022

90 Proposals for the Power to Live (including proposal 40 in favor of mirror measures), Pacte du pouvoir de vivre (in French) November 2021